coming soon..... Hassi's Curated Wellbeing Content
I have a passion and curiosity for learning about wellbeing . This is an ever developing area of knowledge and there are those who spend their whole periods of time exploring topics in depth - and these are the experts. I am a generalist myself, and so while I ground my wellbeing knowledge in science and medicine, I also I value diversity and exploring the perspectives of wellbeing taken from The Arts, culture, and personal experience. After all, who interprets heartbreak better; a brilliant scientist or a brilliant songwriter? I hope you find this page interesting and entertaining.
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It is important that you consult your medical professional or other healthcare provider if you require specific information about any medical matter for you or someone else. The information in these web pages are for interest only, and it is not advice and should not be treated as such. It does not substitute professional medical advice and do not assume this content is medical advice, diagnosis or a treatment option. If you think you are suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention, without delay. You must never disregard medical advice you have been given nor discontinue medical treatment because of information on these pages.